jeudi 7 juillet 2016

A cute paper rabbit

I just published my newest origami model on Origami Channel, it is a very cute rabbit face:

This rabbit is easy to fold, and of course you can then add eyes, a nose, draw a mouth and whiskers etc. Or maybe cut it some clothes to make a nicely dressed rabbit!

If you fold this bunny, please let me know and send me pictures!

mercredi 6 juillet 2016

Animated origami tutorials in 3D

In addition to origami video instructions, I have also started origami animations in 3D to show how to fold some simple origami models, on a new YouTube channel: Origami Channel. There is also a new Origami Channel site that shows the models I have animated so far: some cute animal faces (cat, dog, monkey and rabbit), as well as a very simple Yoda face.

Traditional cat face origami model :

Original monkey face origami model :

Let me know what you think, do you like those animations?

mardi 5 juillet 2016

Sea Animals

Some cool origami models to fold this summer!

A manatee family, a sailboat, a seahorse and a very cute fish model. I hope you like them!

The sailboat is traditional, the other models were designed by me.

lundi 4 juillet 2016

Origami Plus and Origami Channel on Patreon

I'm trying out Patreon: the idea is that people who like what I do can support me by pledging a small amount of money. I'm hoping it can pay for some origami paper. :-) I use quite a lot of it!

I launched my Patreon page a week or two ago, so far it's not going anywhere, but who knows, maybe one day. One can always be hopeful!

Do you use Patreon (for yourself, or to support other creators)?

What kind of origami models would you like to see next?

I'm looking for feedback regarding my origami models. In which direction should I continue? Did you like the Star Wars origami models, and would you like me to design more of them? Or do you prefer simpler models, on more traditional themes like flowers, birds, butterflies, cute animals etc.? I'm afraid I can't design very complex models yet, so no ancient Chinese dragon coming in the near future!

I would love to hear your ideas. Let me know!

dimanche 3 juillet 2016

Origami models that you can color, print and fold

Do you know Colorigami? It's a site I created where you can color an origami model with your choice of colors, gradients and patterns. Then you just have to print the colored origami template, and fold it (it's easy, all the folds are already marked).

You can make this cute dog face with only 4 folds! There is also a rabbit face, and more models on the way.

Welcome to the Origami Plus blog

Hi Everyone! I am an origami designer: I create original origami models that I publish on my Youtube Channel Origami Plus and also on my site Origami Plus. I will post updates about my origami related projects on this blog. You can also find me on my Patreon Origami.

Here is an origami elephant that I created. It is made using the traditional origami lily base. Who knew that you could make an elephant out of a lily? I certainly didn't, until I created this model! :-)